Coach Alia

Alia is a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach who is passionate about helping young adults prepare for the challenges of adulting. As a university student herself, she understands how challenging it is to make important decisions without the benefit of hindsight or experience.

Alia’s strengths are predominantly in the relationship-building domain: building and nurturing strong relationships. She has a gift for figuring out how different people can work together productively and wants to use this gift to help young leaders lead with their strengths.

Most of her time is invested in earning a conjoint degree in Science and Commerce from the University of Auckland, where she majors in business management, entrepreneurship, and psychology. When she is not studying, coaching, planning, or organizing, she likes to help introduce young people to the beauty of marine life through scuba diving.  Alia is a Master Scuba Diver and is working on completing the PADI Divemaster certification course in the Philippines.


Take an assessment so you can name your natural talents,


Understand and develop these natural talents into strengths,


Use your strengths to clarify your vision, create a plan, and implement your plan with guidance and support.